Sunday Mass Capstone

After a full week visiting Stove Sites and other development projects in and around Sumbawanga we ended our stay by celebrating a mass with Father Chomba. He dedicated the mass to the memory of my brother Brian, my Uncle Paddy, and my Aunt Breeda. He even wore special commemorative Vestments donated by the Maggiorie family when Brian passed away. The whole thing was special. Mass here lasts 2 1/2 hours but it does not feel like it as the entire ceremony is full of amazing singing and dancing in the aisles and in the pews. Father allowed us to present some presents to the Blind School Children as part of the service and afterwards we were able to join the parish in the dedication of their new grotto to Our Lady of Grace. Women of the Parish Sewed us special wraps and shirts for Mass. Father wearing vestments provided by Maggiores. Our Lady of Grace Grotto dedication