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Work to Get Ready
Pat Keane
As part of his preparation for the trip to Sumbawanga Dad joined a local Crossfit Gym and spent months getting in shape. I am very proud of him for this and grateful to Andrew Romeo for helping him train. Below are some shots of Dad in the gym on the Tuesday before we leave for the airport. (See Crossfit Revelation) Farmer's Walk at Crossfit Revelation Ed with Trainer Andrew Romeo at Crossfit Revelation
Ed's Speech at Kizungu Village
Pat Keane
Our total visit and the background on Kizungu Village will be in the post that follows, but I wanted to get a short video of Ed's Speech to the village and the celebration afterwards up quickly. This clip is just the end of a much longer and very moving speech my dad gave. We should all be so blessed as he clearly was today. After the speech, Ed and Nancy were presented with presents, thankfully no chickens this time, but two hand-made stools and a large portion of the local honey Kizungu village is famous for.
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