Third stop blew us away and deserves much more explanation than I can give it tonight. Pita Village is a small Dispensary where medical care is given to people from the surrounding villages. The distance to town is too far for medical care at the larger regional hospital so most villagers use the dispensary for routine care, especially mother and infant care. St Thomas Moore has contributed to this Dispensary and recently provided them funds to complete a badly needed extension to the medical facilities. Unbeknownst to us, Father Pontiano had arranged with the local priest to treat us to a celebration in honor of the new building. We were welcomed with traditional dance, Dad was presented with a Chicken, and the baby born in the Dispensary that very day was named, Anna, in honor of mom.
(You read that last sentence right, all of that really just happened!)
Did I forget to mention we also met the 92 year old mother of Father Pontiano and his two sisters, amazing people, and amazing to think Father Pontiano was a kid growing up in this very same Pito Village.
Baby Anna, first baby born in the renovated Pito Clinic |
Our Family with Father Ponitano's family |
Ed and Nancy at the dedication of the new Pito Village Dispensary |
Detail of Commemorative Plaque |
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