This school was on our schedule to visit today, which was a blessing and a curse. St Theresia's Secondary School is an all girl's boarding school overseen by Sisters from the Order of Mary, Queen of Africa. The mission of the school is to grow women into active participating members of society on an equal footing with men educationally, socially, and economically. The place is run by the very formidable Sister Scholastica, who is also the Mother Superior for the Order. The school is a model for a well run educational institute and the focus on women's rights is sorely needed in this area. We intended to visit to see how their new kitchen was working out, but unfortunately they had a fire the night before we arrived and two dorms were destroyed. Luckily the fire happened during the school day so nobody was hurt, but the financial burden of losing two dorms could be a very difficult challenge for Mother Superior. Despite a mind-numbingly challenging day for her, she made some time for us.
We listened and photographed and did what we could. The pictures show us dropping off the toiletries that we happened to have with us. Later that same day Emma, Maureen, Susi, and Mom went into town and loaded up a dump-truck with twenty mattresses for the displaced students. I wish I had the pictures as they rode back onto the school grounds with a real solution to an immediate need, but that camera is not available to me right now. Imagine 140 girls spending the night on the cafeteria floor to prepare for their final exams when, out of nowhere, nanny shows up with a bed to sleep on.
Please pray for this school and support their rebuilding process. Call or text me for details on how to do that.
As we arrived students of St Theresia were leaving as school had been cancelled due to the fire. |
Destroyed Dorms with parents and children trying to find their belongings. |
These lockers hold the girls things, this girl will have nothing now that this case has been destroyed by the fire. |
Roof is destroyed, but after Herculean efforts by the sister's rebuilding had started as we left later that same evening. |
Sister Scholastica receiving some small necesities from us, Mattresses and other donations from Nanny & Maureen would arrive later. |
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