Kizungu Village Detail

This is a special place for us.  Kizunugu is a small village about 13 km outside of Sumbawanga.  It consists of 307 families whose main occupation is farming and beekeeping.  Kizunug was selected by the stove-team to be the focus of our efforts.  Prior to Kizunugu stoves were built randomly around the area and it was difficult to conduct training and complete repairs as needed.  Now that our efforts are focused here the adoption of the stove and its proper use has been much improved.  To date the team has built 32  Marian Stoves in this village and they have materials to build 30 more.  The stoves have been incredibly well received and the celebration of our arrival and the gratitude for our continued efforts in this small part of the world seemed heart-felt.

The entire visit was amazing, after the speeches, dances, and introductions we were able to tour the installed stoves and speak with the families that are using them.  This was a real chance to see how the people live and talk with them about their lives. We ended the visit by having a delicious lunch right in the home of the village chief.

I will let the pictures Emma and Susi took do the rest of the talking.  Was amazing:

The first face we met in Kizungu

Emma was our best ambassador in Kizungu

Drummers for the ceremonial dance

Ceremonial Dance.  Lady on left with whistle spent time with us later

Some audience members got bored with ceremony

Ed and Nancy at the center of it all

Group shot of us with the village delegation

Boys chasing Emma for camera shots

Just an awesome shot

Another cute one

One of the first stoves built in Kizungu.  About 4 months old

Gabriel on left is our building team leader.

Family who received the first stove in Kizungu

Women is not from Kizungu, she is actually one of lead mason's on the stove team;  her baby was our mascot for the entire week.

Two brothers out for a walk

Nancy with the Regional Board member in charge of this area.

Two girls very curious about Emma and her camera


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